Surround Training Courses

  • Last Post 19 May 2017
DerekMaciak posted this 19 May 2017

Surround offers several training courses to help get you started developing with the .NET technology stack.  These courses are not Accelerator training courses, but the topics discussed in these training courses is recommended before going through any Accelerator training courses.  These courses are instructor lead with Powerpoint slides to discuss concepts and hands on training to reinforce the concept.  Visual Studio is required to be installed for these training courses. 

  • Visual C# Programming (4 - 5 Day Course)

    • Chapter 1 - Overview of OOP, .NET and C#
      • What is OOP?
      • What is a Class? an Object? 
      • What is a Method? a Property? An Event?
      • What is an Interface? an Abstract Class?
      • What is Abstraction?  Inheritance?  Polymorphism?  Encapsulation?
      • What are Access Modifiers? 
      • What are Keywords?
      • Evolution of C#
      • Overview of the .NET Framework
    • Chapter 2 - C# Program Structure
      • Program Layout
      • Namespaces
      • Keywords and Identifiers
      • A class
      • Class methods
      • Comments
    • Chapter 3 - C# Data Types
      • Value and Reference Variables
      • Stack vs. Heap Memory
      • Built-in Data Types
      • User Defined Types
      • Literals and Constants
    • Chapter 4 - C# Operators and Type Conversion
      • Operators
      • Assignment Operators
      • Equality Operators
      • Mix-Type Conversion
      • Casting
      • String Operators
      • Named Operations
      • Data Conversion
    • Chapter 5 - C# Parameter Passing
      • Pass by Value
      • Pass by Reference
      • Parameter Arrays
    • Chapter 6 - C# Conditions and Loops
      • Conditional Statements
      • Loop Statements
    • Chapter 7 – Exception Handling
      • What is an Exception?
      • Exception Keywords
      • Exception Classes
      • Exception Example
      • Exception Flow
    • Chapter 8 – Defining Your Own Data Types
      • Instance Data
      • Data Scope
      • Constructors/Destructors
      • Properties
      • Enumerations
      • Operators and Indexers
    • Chapter 9 – Collections (LINQ and Lambda Expressions)
      • Types of Collections
      • Accessing Collection Data
      • LINQ
      • Lambda Expressions
    • Chapter 10 – Inheritance and Polymorphism
      • What is Inheritance?
      • Virtual/override keyword
      • Polymorphism
    • Chapter 11 – Delegates and Events
      • What is a Delegate?
      • Delegate Declaration
      • Delegate Example
      • Event Declaration
      • Event Example
    • Chapter 12 – Reflection and Attributes
      • .NET Assembly Hierarchy
      • What is Reflection?
      • Reflection Example
      • C# Attributes
      • Predefined Attributes
      • Creating Custom Attributes

  • Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) (2 - 3 Day Course)

    • Chapter 1 – Introduction to WPF
      • WPF Overview
      • XAML Overview
      • WPF Architecture
      • WPF Class Hierarchy
    • Chapter 2 – XAML Syntax
      • XAML Basics
      • Object Element Syntax
      • Properties of Object Elements
      • Processing Attribute Values
      • Collection Syntax
      • XAML Namespaces
    • Chapter 3 – Layouts and Controls
      • Sizing Options
      • Alignment
      • Visibility
      • Padding and Margins
      • Layout Controls
      • Built-in Controls
    • Chapter 4 – Data Binding
      • What is Data Binding?
      • Data Context
      • Value Converters
    • Chapter 5 – Dependency Properties
      • Dependency Property purpose and advantage
      • Value Resolution
      • How to create a Dependency Property
      • Dependency Property Example
    • Chapter 6 – Resources
      • Types of Resources
      • Resource Lookup
      • Static vs. Dynamic Resources
    • Chapter 7 – Styles and Triggers
      • Styles
      • Triggers
    • Chapter 8 – Templates
      • Control Templates
      • Data Templates
    • Chapter 9 – Animations
      • Story Boards
      • Timelines
      • Transform
    • Chapter 10 – Architecture Patterns
      • What is MVVM?
      • Benefits of MVVM
      • How the Accelerator uses MVVM
      • Attribute Based Validations

DerekMaciak posted this 19 May 2017

  • ASP.NET MVC (3 Day Course)

  • Chapter 1 – Introduction to Web Application Development 
    • Web Sites, Web Applications, Web Services
    • Client-Side, Server-Side
    • Programming and Document Markup Languages
    • Internet and Web Protocols
    • Browsers and other Web Clients
    • Website Architecture
  • Chapter 2 – Technology Deeper Dives 
    • HTML
      • DOM: Document Object Model
    • CSS
    • Javascript
    • Hands-on Lab Section 1
  • Chapter 3 – Libraries and Frameworks – Client-Side 
    • Browser-provided Web APIs
      • Document:
        • Document Object Model (DOM)
      • Hardware:
    • jQuery, jQuery Plugins
      • Form validation, controls, UI components, Upload Managers, Mobile framework, Plugin Framework
      • Accelerator plugins
    • Modernizr
    • Polyfills – various
    • Bootstrap
    • Many others, constantly changing
      • Backbone, Knockout, Angular, Ember, React, Underscore, etc
  • Chapter 4 – Libraries and Frameworks – Server-Side
    • Web Servers
      • Apache, Nginx (“Engine-X”), IIS, Custom HTTP services
    • Simple Template-based Frameworks
      • PHP, Server-Side Include (SSI)
    • Microsoft Web Application Frameworks
      • ASP
      • ASP.Net WebForms
      • ASP.Net MVC 4.0, 4.5, 5.0
  • Chapter 5 – ASP.NET MVC Deep Dive
    • Models, Views, and Controllers
    • Content Folder / Scripts Folder
    • Infrastructure Folder
    • Razor Template Syntax
      • HTML Helpers: Built-in, Extension methods, @helper, and App_Code folder
    • DescriptionResource.resx
    • Global.asax, Global.asax.cs
    • Request Routing
      • RouteConfig.cs and route attributes
    • Request Filtering
      • FilterConfig.cs and filter attributes
    • Tooling for LESS
    • Include Bootstrap, Modernizr, jQuery, and other third-party libraries and frameworks
    • Web.config file
  • Chapter 6 – IIS Management
  • Chapter 7 – References
