The necessary ports to run the IBM i .NET Data Provider are:


1)      449 – Port Mapper. This is non-SSL, but no data is transferred on it. It is just a request to see what port to use. Client Access can be configured to not need this.

2)      8476 (9476 for SSL) – Signon Verification

3)      8471 (9471 for SSL) – Database Access



For info on all of the Client Access Ports look at


The best article I found to explain these is  

This Article explains how the Ports can be changed if you still felt it important to do that.

From this Article I set up Client Access to use the “Standard” ports so that you do not need to also open up port 449 for the Port Mapper. This is non-SSL, but no data is transferred on it. It is just a request to see what port to use.