Parent Keys are key-value pairs that get passed from a module to its subbrowsers.  There are two types of parent keys OnSearch and OnPreload.  

The OnSearch parent keys are used for loading records in a subbrowser content window and the OnPreload are used for new records created in the subbrowser.  To specify a field in the parent you want broadcasted to the subbrowsers you add the AB_BroadcastMember attribute to the field in the entity.  This attribute allows you to specify if you want it to be for OnSearch, OnPreload, or Always(both).




There are now two collections of parent keys on the AB_ContentWindowBase class.  These two collections are ap_ParentKeys and ap_SearchParentKeys.  Both of these collections will only be populated if the content window is in a subbrowser.  The ap_ParentKeys are the OnPreload keys and will be used for new records.  The ap_SearchParentKeys are used to create the initial search entity for the explorer bar and are able to be accessed in the content window for custom use.  In most cases these two collections will have the same keys in them but it is recommended that you use the ap_ParentKeys unless you are dealing with functionality releted