• Make sure the WPF project you are adding the Property Codes Drop Down has a reference to the WPF.PropCodeValue assembly. If doesn't, then add the following to your .csproj file:

 <Reference Include="WPF.PropCodeValue, Version=, Culture=neutral, processorArchitecture=MSIL">




  • In the WPF XAML, you need to add the namespace for the WPF.PropCodeValue assembly


  • In the WPF XAML, Add the Property Codes Drop Down XAML. There are 3 different types of Drop Downs to choose from: 
    • PropCodeValueDropDown - Value is the display member; You can Bind to Value
    • PropCodeValueDropDown02 - Code is the display member; You can Bind to Code
    • PropCodeValueDropDown03 - Value is the display member, You can Bind to Code

Example using PropCodeValueDropDown03 replacing the IndexerName property with the Property Codes Table STDMIndexerNames:

  <propCodeValue:PropCodeValueDropDown03 ap_PropertyMetaData="{x:Static entity:DM_IndexerFormatFieldsEntity.IndexerNameProperty}" Code="{Binding Path=IndexerName, Mode=TwoWay}" DefaultPropertyCodeTable="STDMIndexerNames" ap_BtnNewDetailVisibility="Collapsed" ap_BtnOpenDetailVisibility="Collapsed" ap_BtnSearchAndSelectVisibility="Collapsed" Margin="0,0,2,5" ap_LabelPosition="Left" DockPanel.Dock="Top" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Width="550" />