The Accelerator Maintenace also uses the same runtime logging as your system. Review this discussion on Accelerator Logging.

The Error Logs generated from any Accelerator Tool launched from the LaunchPad are located in the C:\Users\<YourUserName>\AppData\Roaming\Accelerator for .NET\Logging folder.

The Accelerator Maintenance BP Service Host settings are located in the WebAppSettings.config located in the folder where you publish the Accelerator Services.

The Accelerator Services WebAppSettings.config is defaulted to the following. You can change any setting in the WebAppSettings.config and your changes will not get clobbered when doing an Accelerator upgrade.

<!--Logging Settings -->
  <add key="Logging.Enabled" value="true" />
  <add key="Logging.AssemblyName" value="A4DN.Core.BOS.Logging.dll" />
  <add key="Logging.ClassName" value="A4DN.Core.BOS.Logging.AB_NLogLogger" />
  <!--Valid values are "Debug," "Info," "Warn," "Error," "Fatal" (Debug is the most verbose, Fatal is the least.)-->
  <add key="Logging.LoggerLevel" value="Error" />
  <add key="Logging.Async" value="true" />
  <add key="Logging.LogPath" value="C:\temp\Accelerator for .NET\Logging\AcceleratorServices" />
<!-- Remote Logging Settings (Client Settings) -->
  <add key="Logging.RemoteLoggingEnabled" value="false" />
  <add key="Logging.RemoteLoggerLevel" value="Error" />